Why do I need a rating?
Junior ratings are unique to Tennis Center Sand Point. If your child has prior tennis experience and you are unsure of what class to enroll them in, complete the questionnaire at the bottom of this page. The Junior Program Manager will respond within 72 hours to schedule an evaluation, if necessary.
Please note the following before requesting a Junior Evaluation.
- All Junior evaluation candidates must have an active and valid TCSP Junior Membership prior to scheduling evaluation.
- Due to the high volume of junior rating requests at this time, we may not be able to accommodate evaluation requests before the next session registration dates.
- TCSP is unable to accommodate requests for junior evaluations during the week prior to our registration days.
- TCSP will not re-evaluate a returning junior player unless they have had new experience in a group setting or private lesson at another location.
Already enrolled but have questions/concerns about your child’s level?
- We take the first 2 weeks of each session to ensure we have our junior players in workable groups. If the class your child is enrolled in is not a good fit, the Junior Program Manager will contact you directly.
- Player development and performance levels of players already enrolled in group classes are regularly monitored by our instructors. In the event of a level/rating increase, the Junior Program Manager will contact you directly.