Intraclub Match Play

TCSP offers intraclub match play opportunities for players looking to put their skills to the test, meet new players, and show their mettle.

New to SETS? 2 STEPS to your first SETS in the City Registration:

1. Register Monday morning through your Club Automation member portal for the following Sunday morning session. This helps ensure players show up on time and are committed to their spot on the roster.

2. The first time you join SETS in the City, you must go to the Universal Tennis website, find your profile (or create one if you do not have a free Universal Tennis account), then request to join Tennis Center Sand Point’s Digital Club.

Universal Tennis Rating

Unlike our group programs, which use NTRP ratings, we use UTR (Universal Tennis Rating) to organize our match play. More information about the benefits of UTR can be found on UTR takes your recent USTA scores and automatically syncs them to your profile.

Your UTR has no effect on your USTA/NTRP rating–they are completely different rating systems.
UTR is a global rating system that promotes fair and competitive play across the tennis world. All players, regardless of age, gender, geography, or skill level, are rated on the same scale between 1.00 and 16.50 based on actual match results.
UTR provides a real-time view of a player’s true skill level and eliminates the subjectivity when doing court assignments. UTR allows for level-based play and more competitive matches. Click Here to see How UTR Works!
UTR is an objective, results-driven rating based on 1) Strength of opponent; 2) Games won; 3) History of last 30 matches within 12 months. It does not look at wins or losses. Click here to Understand the UTR Algorithm!
Yes! Just join the UTR range which corresponds to your NTRP rating. If you don’t have an NTRP rating, please visit this page for information on how to get one.

Join the UTR Digital Club

TCSP members looking for intraclub match play opportunities should join the TCSP Digital Club (it’s free!) on the UTR platform. You can register onto by visiting this link and clicking “Request to Join”. TCSP staff will then verify you are an active TCSP member and approve your request. Note that registration for our match play events is still through your regular member portal and not through the Digital Club. We use the Digital Club to track results.
Once you are a Digital Club member, you will be able to:
  • Participate in future club match play events
  • Post your own scores (casual and sanctioned) to build your rating
  • Look up other player ratings.
  • Message other TCSP players through the UTR platform to find new playing partners
Players that have competitive playing histories from participation in USTA tournaments or recreational league play will have a UTR rating already. If you do not have a UTR rating, start posting your own scores! (Remember, you can post recreational scores: 8-game pro sets and 4-game mini sets count towards your UTR but receive slightly less weight relative to best-of-3 set matches) The more you play, the more accurate your UTR will become, and the more competitive your matches will become.

SETS in the City Singles Match PlaY Schedule

NTRP (~UTR)FormatDateDayTime
Men 2.5 - Men Only (1.0-2.5)Singles12/15Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Men 2.5/Women 3.0 (1.0-2.5)Doubles12/15Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Women 3.0 - Women Only (1.0-2.5)Singles12/22Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Men 3.5 - Men Only (3.0-4.5)Doubles12/22Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Men 3.5/Women 4.0 (4.0-5.5)Singles1/5Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Women 3.0 - Women Only (1.0-2.5)Doubles1/5Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Men 3.0 - Men Only (2.5-4.0)Singles1/12Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Women 2.5 - Women Only (1.0-2.5)Doubles1/12Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Men 4.0 - Men Only (4.5-6.5)Singles1/26Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Men 3.0/Women 3.5 (2.5-4.0)Doubles1/26Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Women 2.5 - Women Only (1.0-2.5)Singles2/2Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Men 2.5/Women 3.0 (1.0-2.5)Doubles2/2Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Men 3.0/Women 3.5 (2.5-4.0)Singles2/9Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Women 2.5 - Women Only (1.0-2.5)Doubles2/9Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Men 3.5 - Men Only (3.0-4.5)Singles2/16Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Men 3.0/Women 3.5 (2.5-4.0)Doubles2/16Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Men 2.5/Women 3.0 (1.0-2.5)Singles2/23Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Men 3.0 - Men Only (2.5-4.0)Doubles2/23Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Women 3.0 - Women Only (1.0-2.5)Singles3/2Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Men 3.0 - Men Only (2.5-4.0)Doubles3/2Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Men 3.0/Women 3.5 (2.5-4.0)Singles3/9Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Men 3.5/Women 4.0 (4.0-5.5)Doubles3/9Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Men 2.5/Women 3.0 (1.0-2.5)Singles3/16Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Women 2.5 - Women Only (1.0-2.5)Doubles3/16Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Men 3.0/Women 3.5 (2.5-4.0)Singles3/23Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Men 2.5/Women 3.0 (1.0-2.5)Doubles3/23Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Men 2.5 - Men Only (1.0-2.5)Singles3/30Sunday8:15 AM - 9:30 AM
Men 3.0/Women 3.5 (2.5-4.0)Doubles3/30Sunday9:30 AM - 10:45 AM


Singles/Doubles (1.25 hours)

  • 10-minute warm-up; two 30-minute rounds; first to 8 games; no-ad scoring
  • If no player/team has won 8 games by the 30-minute mark, winner is the leading player/team.
  • Additional games can be played with any extra time in each round (additional games are if all players wish to continue hitting; they are not required and do not count towards player UTRs)

How to Register

  • Register through your TCSP Club Automation member portal.
  • Registration opens up each Monday at 6am for that week’s events (the following Saturday and Sunday).
  • Registration will close 48 hours before event start time.
  • Remember, all participants need to be part of TCSP’s Digital Club (just click “Request to Join”).
All TCSP members with eligible ratings are welcome! Pairings will be determined by rating to create competitive matches and are not determined by gender. Doubles participants do not need to have a partner to register.

Fee is $30 for singles and $26 for doubles. Fresh balls, court assignments, and on-site facilitator will be provided.

Cancellations: No account credit will be given for no-shows and cancellations made within 48 hours of event start time. All such occurrences are logged in TCSP’s database. If a player has one late cancellation and/or no-show, they may be suspended from further Match Play events. The success of this event is dependent upon the consideration and good sportsmanship of all participants.

Find Players

TCSP recommends the following third-party services for finding players to play with and compete against:

2025 Flex Leagues

TCSP’s Flex Leagues are your opportunity to compete against fellow TCSP peers!

The Late Night Flex League is specifically for players looking for Late Night matches on weekdays, as 10pm match court fees for the Flex League are included in the registration fee! Registration fee $150. Flex League Duration- March 3rd- April 25th.
TCSP Flex League courts may be reserved 6 days in advance, and TCSP will provide balls for matches taking place at 10:00pm. Double Round-Robin format, and the player that wins the most games will be crowned our TCSP Late Night Flex League Champion! All players that play in at least 8 games will be given a participation prize!

Men's Singles Divisions
March 3- April 25Men 3.0 (2.5-4.0)
Men 3.5 (4.0-5.5)

2025 UTR 1-Day Tournaments

TCSP’s very own tournament series! Play against your TCSP peers with prizes and bragging rights on the line!

More Information Coming Soon!

MAY 3RDMens 3.0 Singles1:15PM
MAY 4THWomens 3.0 Doubles12:00PM
MAY 17Mens 3.5 Singles1:15PM
MAY 18Womens 2.5 Doubles12:00PM
MAY 31Womens 3.5 Doubles1:15PM
JUNE 1Women's 2.5 Singles12:00PM
JUNE 21Mens 3.5 Singles1:15PM
JUNE 22Mens 3.0 Singles12:00PM
SEPT 13Mens 3.0 Singles1:15pm
SEPT 14Womens 3.0 Doubles12:00PM
SEPT 27Mens 3.5 Singles1:15PM
SEPT 28Womens 2.5 Singles12:00PM
OCT 4Mens 3.0 Singles1:15pm
OCT 5Womens 3.0 Singles12:00PM

Scoring Format

  • Timed matches (75 minutes)
  • Two sets with 10-point tiebreaker 3rd set
  • No-ad scoring (returner chooses side for deuce point)
  • Tiebreaks at 6-6 games all (first to 7 points, win by 2)
  • 3rd set super tiebreak after split sets (first to 10 points, win by 2)

How to Register

  • Register through your TCSP Club Automation member portal.
  • Registration opens February 3rd
  • Registration closes end of the day, March 1st.
  • Remember, all participants need to be part of TCSP’s Digital Club in UTR
Cancellation Policy: Account credit will not be issued as of the first day of the session, March 3rd.

My UTR Account

TCSP members looking for intraclub match play opportunities should join the TCSP Digital Club (it’s free!), which you can register onto by visiting this link and clicking “Request to Join”.
TCSP staff will then verify you are an active TCSP member and approve your request. Note that registration for our match play events is still through your regular member portal and not through the Digital Club. We use the Digital Club to track match results.
Participate in future club match play events
Post your own scores (casual and sanctioned) to build your rating
Look up other player ratings.
Message other TCSP players through the UTR platform to find new playing partners
Players that have competitive playing histories from participation in USTA tournaments or recreational league play will have a UTR rating already. If you do not have a UTR rating, start posting your own scores! (Remember, you can post recreational scores: 8-game pro sets and 4-game mini sets count towards your UTR but receive slightly less weight relative to best-of-3 set matches) The more you play, the more accurate your UTR will become, and the more competitive your matches will become.